"It gave me a ray of hope that I haven't had in a long time."
I have a unique ability to see the energy behind things- emotions, decisions, intentions traumas, fears, abundance blocks, sickness in the body, etc.
I also have an ability to help move energy and energy blockages, and to see what you can do to continue to keep your energy clear and balanced.
I am shown what happens energetically, behind the scenes from all of these things.
I am able to observe the unseen, and how it effects the body, the abundance, the vitality, and the experiences.
- Intuition/knowing
- Mirroring (My body will show me some things that are going on in your body)
- I work closely with Spirit and Archangels
- Working with my pendulum
- Reiki Healing
- I assess what is going on in the chakra energy systems
- I work with and reference material, field notes, and a Medical Intuitive book when called.
- I work intuitively with correspondence when called.
I have a medicine bag full of various forms of energy work- it all depends on the situation/client.
These sessions are intuitive and completely tailored to each individual and what is going on in their energy and body.
After several years of practice, I have created my own powerful forms of energy healing and blockage release.
I have also studied energy healing modalities from around the world for the past six years and use a combination of quantum energy healing techniques.
But I don’t just extend healing to you.
I also think it is very important to give you the tools to continue to heal and balance your own energy. When you are doing this work for yourself, is when you will be at your most powerful.
I help you find the confidence and faith to know you have the full power to work on and clear your own energy as well.
I will find out what’s going on, and what we most need to pay attention to at the moment.
I work with your higher self, a team of spirit, my own intuition, and give you a full assessment of what you can do to work on your own energy health.
Although I don’t give medical advice, focusing on your energy, and energy healing, hygiene, and maintenance does have (in my opinion and experience) a huge impact on the physical body, the physical reality, the emotional body, the energy body, and the spiritual body.
I’ve also noticed in my experience working regularly on my own energy and working with many clients- doing this work helps raise confidence naturally, helps increase vitality, and overall well-being and feeling good.
You will receive a write up of everything I observe going on in your energetic field during your session, any healing I was able to extend and energy I was able to shift, and instructions and ideas for how to continue with your energy healing on your end.
This will also include any tools I intuitively use, what tools you can use, follow up support, and more.
These reports can run anywhere between 3-6 pages long- it just depends on what comes through and what needs attention first. Sometimes working on one main thing will have a huge impact, and other times there are many small things you can do that will create the impact.
Your report will include:
- Energy Assessment - What's going on in your energy and physical body
- Ways to balance your energy
- What you can energetically, emotionally, and physically work on to maintain balance.
- How to clear blocks out of your body
- Correspondence for you to work with (Meditations, Sound Healing, Working with things like crystals and oils, sometimes it’s movement, sometimes it’s journaling. There are so many different methods and correspondence that comes through for clients from one session to the next).
- Follow Up Support

I did not set out to do energy healing, despite having been led to continue studying different modalities of energy healing for the past six years.
It was natural progression of study, and I was led from one modality to the next through a series of synchronicities. I started out just wanting to learn about my own energy and what was impacting my manifestations and reality!
However, being as spirit-led as I am- I have been given my marching orders from spirit.
I am certified in several healing modalities, but to be quite honest, I found my most powerful healing abilities to come straight from my heart, intuition, and spirit and for it to be individually tailored to each person. I rarely do energy work the same from one session to the next.
I have a unique ability and gift, to see and sense energy, to see the energy behind things (such as the energy behind a decision, behind a fear, behind a trauma, behind joy, etc). I can see where and how it makes the body sick/healthy too. And I have been continually pushed by spirit to share this healing ability more.
I believe I have many lifetimes of this type of work, and from all the Akashic work I have done in this lifetime I have gathered the wisdom, healing, and magic of many lifetimes. I now know that I can make an impact and help others to liberate themselves and feel good again, just as I have done for myself, and I have a deep desire to share this gift. It has changed my life, and I know it can change yours too.
If we can do something to help you heal, feel empowered, feel better, feel good, increase your vitality, clear things like abundance blocks, lack, or old programs, then why wouldn’t we support each other and ourselves in that way?
If you’ve been hanging around me any length of time- you have probably seen me talking about energy work in all my classes, and in much of my content on my blog or in posts in the group, and we definitely talk about it during one on one and coaching sessions.
We even talk about energy work in my business witchery group and my Abundance Reset & Mastery group, because our energy MOST CERTAINLY impacts our manifestations and our physical reality and experiences.
Healings and Assessment reports will be delivered within 1-5 days of signing up (but I will always do my best to complete them much sooner!)
Reading & Healing will be delivered via:
- 10-13 page detailed energy assessment blueprint and report sent to your email once your distance session is complete.
- I will email you an hour before your healing session to let you know I will be starting soon.
- I create an energetic "healing container" and use many methods of distance and quantum energy healing and mediumship during your session.

By signing up for this session, you agree to the following terms:
I agree to complete the client intake forms in order to complete the energy healing assessment and session.
The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained in this session and any session follow up, are for informational purposes only. No material from this session is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read from this session.