A Healing & Spiritual Journey is for anyone.
You do not have to be a healer, psychic, witch, or mystic to embark on a spiritual development journey.
You just need a desire to heal, and a desire to create a life you love.
Discover your own personal spiritual truth and manifest a magical life you love with:
The Wayward Magick Spiritual Development Academy.
Academy Members will be given complimentary access to my brand new Manifestation & Magic Membership- A year of conscious creation and manifestation with intuitive coach Jenn.
Planetary Alchemy. Working with the Planetary Archetypes as Manifestation Guides.
Delve into the realm of Astrology Magic, harnessing the power of planetary archetypes as manifestation guides.
This unique approach allows us to align with the energies of the cosmos, tapping into the wisdom of each planet to amplify our manifestation work.
By understanding how these archetypes influence our lives, we gain insight into our desires, challenges, and potential pathways for manifestation, empowering us to co-create our reality with the universe.
Check out the new TAROT JOURNEY program, held exclusively inside the Academy!
In addition to live calls, your membership also includes:
A Comprehensive Course Library.
You will find topics like Mediumship, Ancestral Healing, Working with Guides and Animal Spirit, Energy Work, Crystals, Spells & Rituals, Chakras, Tarot, Home Clearing, Manifestation & More!
You Also Get Exclusive Access to:
A Comprehensive & Magical Library full of guided workbooks, reference guides, Journals, & Book of Shadows.
The Wayward Magick Content Library
Monthly Magic content may include:
- Intuition Building Guides
- Spell Pages, & Rituals
- Journals, Guidebooks, & Workbooks
- Witchy & Nature Based Activities & Crafts
- Kitchen Witchery- Recipes, Essential Oil information
- Tarot Spreads & Note Pages
- Guided Meditations & Mindfulness Practices
- Journal Prompt Library
- & More
There is SO much Printable content available for your Book of Shadows and Magical Notebooks.
I am adding to your library all the time. It's one of my favorite things to do!
Joining the Academy means you get instant access to our Magic Content Portal.
This space contains ALL the book of shadows magic, guided workbooks, journals, & more!
There are more than six FULL courses, access to live Monthly Group Rituals, Women's Circle, & Bonus Classes.
When you join Wayward Magic, you get instant access to:
- Workshops & Workbooks on topics like Elemental Magic, Crystal Magic, Tarot, Divination, Shadow Work, Animal Spirit, Weekday Magic & more!
- Self-paced Courses on all things magic, spiritual, shadow work, intuitive, energy work, empowerment, manifesting, mediumship, & more!
- A library full of printable Content
- Spell & Ritual Library
- Meditation Library
- Intuition Building Library
- Sabbat Guide Library
- Essential Oil Library
- Basic Astrology
And this library is something we are adding to ALL the time.
Don't just take my word for what a magical space this is!
See What other's are saying about the Academy:
Take a sneak peek inside the Academy Content Library.
(Remember, this is just the content library, there is also an entire course library too!) Check it out below:
See what one of our Monthly Members has to say about this space:
"If you're here, you've been called. Tapped. Anointed. Your presence in this group is your sign, the life raft in rough waters. I've been where you are, lost, wondering, wandering, looking for hope. I've asked "Where's the magic"? It's here, if you take it. This space will put you on the road to unblocking your own unique brand of magic.
I'm not selling as much as I'm pouring my heart out, preaching. This work gave me breath when I felt out of air. If you're wondering where to start, take a look at the class offerings and see what calls. One tiny step."
Meet Jenn, your Intuitive Spiritual Guidance Counselor & Magic Mentor
I am Jenn, a wayward witch who has set out on a mission to create magic, abundance, and my reality my own way. I am a medium, shadow work practitioner, quantum energy healer, and a mindset guide.
When I began to embrace my inner witch, I went from a life of depression and despair, to one of magic and abundance. A life of no hope to one of endless opportunity and magic.
But I didn't get to that point easily. The journey has been long, and at times overwhelming, as I am sure many of you can relate.
I collected information, knowledge, skills, and experience from every direction I could possibly find. I singed up for thousands of dollars worth of courses, coaching, and workshops. I studied all the time- sometimes whether it impacted other obligations or not.
I tried to take on too much from too many sources. The process became overwhelming. Especially on top of all the other life stuff us witches have going on. Jobs, Families, Bills, unexpected surprises, illnesses, obligations- you know the story.
I eventually began asking myself, what if there could be one place to learn all of this powerful information?
What if people didn't have to sign up for a ton of courses, and way too much information in order to heal, empower, build solid foundations, and find their own magic? What if it could all just be handed to us and in an easy and digestible manner.
It finally hit me-why don't I create something like this? I've always wanted to change the world, and light people up. Maybe this is one of the ways I can make a difference for people. Something I could do to make life easy and magical for the busy, overwhelmed, and tired witch who is often on the go.
And thus, the story of how my Magical Monthly Membership was originally conjured up! And now it has transformed into a full blown academy and mastermind space!
Inside the academy we now do activations, coaching, empowerment and healing, Akashic work, magical work, enchanted living, manifesting, magic, intuitive development, connection, and so much more!