Manifesting Your Dream Partner: Practical Steps to Finding Love

I don't know what compelled me to write about this topic today, but knowing spirit, there is a reason. There is someone out there who might need this kind of support today. 

This blog is for you if you are tired of the same old patterns repeating in your relationships.
If find yourself attracting partners who are not aligned with your values or who bring more pain than joy into your life.
And if you do feel that way, you're not alone.

Many of us have experienced the frustration and heartache of toxic relationships and failed connections.

I've had my fair share of failed relationships. I've been left 19 and pregnant and scared out of my mind. I've been stalked and I've endured violence and betrayal. I've been emotionally beaten down so much that I was a shell of my former self and lost every single ounce of confidence I ever had. I've been so utterly heartbroken that I cried every single day for an entire year. Literally. 

And the beautiful thing- I can share all of those stories without becoming emotional about them. I've healed from them. I've done my dirty shadow work. I've taken my wisdom, I've alchemized my experiences. And I chose to somehow someway learn to love myself again even after ALL of that. 

And then...I manifested the absolute love of my life. The one who turned the lights back on. The one who holds it down here on earth for me and helps me stay grounded so I can be up in the clouds doing my sacred spiritual work. The one who in eight years has never disrespected me or hurt me on purpose. The one who lovingly puts up with my shenanigans and tells me "You're dong a good job beautiful" every single day. The one who I trust explicitly when I thought I could never possibly trust another man again. The one who is the ultimate definition of a best friend. 

The soul who literally walked right off the pages of my manifestation journal. 


Something I *used* to believe I would NEVER experience in my lifetime. Until I discovered two things: 

  • Self Love 
  • Manifestation 


And here's the good news: you have the power to break free from similar cycles and manifest the loving, supportive relationship you desire and deserve! 



It's all too common to find ourselves stuck in a pattern of attracting partners who are not right for us.

Perhaps we settle for less than we deserve out of fear of being alone or because we don't believe we're worthy of love.

Or maybe we find ourselves drawn to the same type of person over and over again, despite knowing deep down that they're not a good fit for us.

Whatever the reason, it's essential to recognize that you have the power to change your relationship patterns and manifest a partner who truly aligns with your highest good.


The first step in manifesting your dream partner is to acknowledge and release any lingering pain or baggage from past relationships.

This may involve forgiveness, both of yourself and others, and letting go of any resentment or hurt that may be holding you back.
By releasing the past, you create space for new love to enter your life.


Next, it's important to get clear on what you truly want and need in a relationship.
Take some time to reflect on your values, priorities, and non-negotiables.
What qualities are essential in a partner?
What kind of relationship dynamic are you seeking?

By getting clear on your desires, you set the stage for manifesting a partner who is truly compatible with you.

Once you have a clear vision of your ideal relationship, it's time to set intentions and take inspired action. This may involve creating a vision board that captures the energy you want to feel, writing affirmations, or practicing visualization techniques to align your energy with your desires. Trust that the universe will conspire to bring you what you seek, and be open to receiving love in unexpected ways.

Remember, manifesting your dream partner is not about forcing or manipulating someone into your life.

Instead, it's about aligning with the energy of love and abundance and allowing the right person to naturally flow into your life.

Be patient, trust in the process, and know that the universe has your back.


When you focus on cultivating self-love, clarity, and positive energy, you'll naturally attract a partner who mirrors those qualities back to you.

While it's natural to feel frustrated or disheartened by past relationship experiences, know that you have the power to break free from old patterns and manifest the loving, fulfilling partnership you deserve.

By releasing the past, clarifying your desires, and aligning your energy with love, you can attract your dream partner into your life and create a relationship that brings you joy, fulfillment, and mutual growth.


A few important tips you don't want to miss when it comes to manifesting a dream partner. 


1. Set the Tone for Respect

One of the first steps in manifesting your dream partner is to set the tone for how you are treated.
Don't settle for anything less than the respect and love you deserve.
If you find yourself in a relationship where you don't feel valued or respected, it may be time to walk away. Remember, you are worthy of a partner who treats you with kindness and appreciation.

In other words... respect yourself like the witches and wizards you are! 


2. Focus on Self-Love

Before you can attract your dream partner into your life, it's important to embark on a journey of self-love. Take the time to explore your passions, interests, and values. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. When you learn to love and accept yourself fully, you will naturally attract partners who see your worth and value.


3. Get Clear on What You Want

To manifest your dream partner, it's essential to get clear on what you want in a relationship. Take some time to reflect on the qualities and characteristics you desire in a partner. Consider not only physical attributes but also emotional qualities and values. Write down your desires in a manifestation journal and visualize yourself in a loving, fulfilling relationship. Things that came up for me were that I wanted someone to adventure with. To laugh with. To play. To grow. To build. Someone I could be completely myself around without having to mask. A safe space to land at the end of each day. 


4. Trust Your Intuition

Friends- don't ignore the intuitive red flags. Just don't.
But also - Learn the difference between a projected red flag, and an intuitive one. (I say this because I almost didn't give my husband a chance when I first met him because of what I was projecting what I thought were red flags- but EVERYTHING in me kept saying give this man a chance, give it a chance. So I listened. And eight years later he hasn't let me down yet.)  
As you embark on your journey to manifest love, trust your intuition every step of the way. Your intuition is a powerful tool that can guide you towards the right partner. Pay attention to your gut feelings and inner knowing. If something feels off or doesn't align with your values, trust that instinct and take action accordingly.


5. Be Open to Opportunities

While it's important to have a clear vision of what you want in a partner, it's also essential to remain open to unexpected opportunities. Love can come into your life in unexpected ways, so stay open-minded and receptive to new connections. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and explore new avenues for meeting potential partners. Love came to me when I finally decided to stop ignoring or overlooking disrespectful actions and promised myself I was not going to settle for less than what my heart truly wanted. Even if it meant being alone. 


6. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful practice that can help you attract more love into your life. Take time each day to express gratitude for the love and abundance already present in your life. By focusing on the positive aspects of your current situation, you'll raise your vibration and attract more love and joy into your life.


7. Trust in the Process

Finally, trust in the process of manifestation and know that the universe has your back. Stay patient and trust that the right partner will come into your life at the perfect time. Release any attachment to the outcome and focus on living your best life in the present moment. When you align with the energy of love and abundance, you'll naturally attract your dream partner into your life.


Final Thoughts

Manifesting your dream partner is possible with the right mindset, intention, and action. 

By setting clear intentions, practicing self-love, trusting your intuition, and staying open to opportunities, setting boundaries, and not settling for less than you desire, you can manifest the loving relationship you want.  

Remember to be patient, trust in the process, and know that love is always within reach.



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