Manifestation can be complicated sometimes, because it involves mindset work, listening to your intuition, and taking aligned action. 

There is also a lot of manifestation teachings out there, and some if it can be conflicting or confusing. Especially if it's just not your way of naturally manifesting. We've been on a month-long journey of identifying our natural ways of manifesting through the Planets in our Astrology charts inside The Wayward Magick Academy, and it's been so insightful. Not everyone will manifest things into their life the same way. 

And if you are trying to use someone else's method, and it just doesn't seem to be working- it does NOT mean you aren't able to manifest! It just means we need to help you find YOUR way! 

Let's take manifestation one small step at a time; it doesn't have to be overwhelming. 
And we can do it right. 

We can create a lasting foundation, we can tailor things to perfectly suit us, and create a process that...

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Wealth Consciousness: The Power of Presence in Manifestation

"Everything happens NOW.
You remember your past: Now.
You dream your future: Now.
When you were actually in your past, it was still: Now.
At that point in the past, if someone were to ask you what you were doing now, it would still be: Now.
You work toward your future: Now.
You will get to your future: Now.
You will live in your future: Now.
You are always Here, Now. You cannot Be anywhere else.
Being, Is-ness, is only: Now.
There is nothing you can do in any other moment except: Now. Try it. Do something yesterday or tomorrow night right now.
You can only Be and Do: Now."

~ A Happy Pocket Full Of Money, by David Cameron Gikandi 

As a manifestation coach, I often emphasize the significance of mindset in manifesting abundance.

But there's a crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed: the power of being present.

Becoming more present is not just a relaxation technique; it's a manifestation power move. And as I am going through some major life changes, I must learn...

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Manifesting Your Dream Partner: Practical Steps to Finding Love

I don't know what compelled me to write about this topic today, but knowing spirit, there is a reason. There is someone out there who might need this kind of support today. 

This blog is for you if you are tired of the same old patterns repeating in your relationships.
If find yourself attracting partners who are not aligned with your values or who bring more pain than joy into your life.
And if you do feel that way, you're not alone.

Many of us have experienced the frustration and heartache of toxic relationships and failed connections.

I've had my fair share of failed relationships. I've been left 19 and pregnant and scared out of my mind. I've been stalked and I've endured violence and betrayal. I've been emotionally beaten down so much that I was a shell of my former self and lost every single ounce of confidence I ever had. I've been so utterly heartbroken that I cried every single day for an entire year. Literally. 

And the beautiful thing- I can share all of...

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Breaking Through Stagnation

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut, feeling like life is stagnant and hopeless?

Trust me, we've all been there.

But here's the thing: change is always within reach, no matter how hopeless things may seem.

It all starts with a shift in mindset.

The steps I listed below WILL get you to your manifestation when implemented consistently. 

You will see the manifestation magic start to happen. Don't give up and stick with it, no matter how long it takes. 


Awareness is Key

The first step in invoking change in your life is to become aware of your mindset.

Is it aligned with the things you're trying to manifest?

Are your decisions and actions supporting your goals?

Take a moment to reflect on these questions and be honest with yourself.

If the answer is no, it's time to do some mindset work.

The Power of Reality Writing

One of the most effective tools for shifting your mindset is reality writing.

Grab your manifestation journal and start writing your reality exactly...

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Manifestation: The Journey of the Elite

Manifestation is for the elite...But it's not what you think. 

By elite- I mean the handful of souls willing, dedicated, and committed to creating their dream life.

 Manifestation isn't for the faint of heart—it's for the elite few who are willing to commit wholeheartedly to creating their dream life.

When we talk about the elite, we're not referring to wealth or status, but to those souls who are dedicated and unwavering in their pursuit of their deepest desires.


If holding the mindset for consistent manifestation was easy, more people would be doing it.

More people would be dreaming, building, and chasing down their dreams. 

More people would be creating a life they love. 

But the reality is, many people give up at the first sign of resistance.

They don't see the instant results they crave, or they allow fear and self-doubt to hold them back.

Comfort zones and shadows become comfortable resting places, and dreams are abandoned all too...

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