The word manifest, or law of attraction methods have been thrown around the spiritual and metaphysical community often.
But there is something that is missing in much of this teaching.
Without the missing tools, you may even feel more shame than abundance when using methods like the law of attraction.
I’ve seen some spiritual teachers even tell you to write down your affirmations 55 times five days a week…. And trust me I’ve tried ALL THE THINGS.
Let's be real here; If you are missing the boat on the mindset work, writing your affirmations down 55 times a day is just going to leave you feeling like crap. Your mind and thoughts are going to counteract your affirmations with every word you write.
Then you start thinking something is wrong with you, or that manifesting won’t work for you.
And that’s simply not true. And I’d hate for you to give up on...
I just went through some sh**, so you may want to listen up for this one.
This is also one of my top go-to manifesting activities.
A few years ago, as I was learning ALL the things about manifesting, I discovered a lot of outward activity you can do to support your manifesting.
Reality Writing was one of my favorite manifesting activities, because it also covered the mindset work- which is Manifesting Ingredient NUMBER ONE.
My version of reality writing is to write down everything I desire to experience as an “I AM” statement, and as “THIS IS DONE.”
On any given day you will find statements like the following in my reality writing journal:
Everything works in my favor no matter what.
I get treated like a VIP everywhere I go.
People love to upgrade me and treat me well, and they enjoy having me around.
I’ve been writing these two...
Ready for the third ingredient to my manifesting potion?
This is another main ingredient, and works side by side with Manifesting Tip #2- POSSIBILITY.
Specifically sanctuary of the mind. (Hint: Bringing the tools together, when we start to become intentional with our thought and energy currency, and we start to bring in possibility for our manifestations, we are already beginning to grid sanctuary space).
If you want to boost and accelerate your manifestations, creating a sanctuary in your mind is a sure way to do that.
To create sanctuary of mind means to:
I had this message drop in, and then felt urged to share it.
“If you want the magic, you have to go f***ing find it or create it.” (and yes, the F word WAS included in this drop in message!)
Sometimes things do and will happen for us “as if by magic.”
But, if you are looking for that lasting, tangible magic- that’s going to be on you to create.
The journey to magic requires inner work, shadow work, energy work, and body work.
You know- the whole Mind, Body, Soul thing?
It can feel like a daunting task, being at the very bottom of the magic mountain.
It’s really easy for people to say, “I don’t have time for that, it’s too much.”
And then these same people go on to live life on autopilot on the outside, and prisoners of their own mind on the inside.
Why? Because they still desire the f*&^ing magic, that is why.
I know this because I was one of those people. And now I work with many of those people to...
"If you can see it, you can BE it.
There is nothing you can not have.
Release control of how things should be and allow the universe to orchestrate the most incredible life full of miracles.
Make sure you give thanks and celebrate all the tiny micro-wins, as the universe is showing you that it's all happening with little energetic breadcrumbs.
Don't take them for granted- it's all happening!
Take a look around and find evidence of it working! "
- From the Angels In Your Biz Oracle Deck
"If you can see it, you can BE it".
I love this, as this is a topic that has been coming up in Women's Circle for my Monthly Mastermind Group and in my Abundance Mastery & Reset Program.
If you can envision something, if you have a desire, if you have a goal, or a dream- it's because it is something that is already available to you (and technically already happening if we want to get into quantum physics and...
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