A Day In The Life Of A Wayward Witch

I posted in my group today about how I was reflecting on my day, and I felt compelled to expand on it and share a message of hope, a message of choosing YOU, and of keeping your soul desires at the forefront of your intentions. 

A day in the life of a Wayward Witch...(and keep in mind for later, that five years ago none of this was my reality!).
Magic moments from my day today: 

  • For the first few hours of the day I did a bunch of random things that felt good to do, whatever I wanted in each moment- I worked on some content for my beloved Monthly Magic Membership, I worked on some info for the upcoming Intuition Building Workshop, had some coffee, chilled with the puppy (the one that ate my Tarot cards yesterday!)...there may or may not have been an early morning nap in there as well. 
  • Later on in the day I identified someone's walk in and opened up the invitation for it to be removed from their energy field.
  • I helped someone clear an attachment and cut some...
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The Power Of Surrender

Surrender... The power of surrender space.

When I first started playing with this concept, I had no idea what it really felt like to surrender.

What did that even mean?
Do I just give up on my goals?
On hard work?
Give up on what I wanted and just “let it go”? No way. Surely it couldn’t mean any of these things.
How could people recommend so highly to give up on things?

I tried to ignore the concept.
And then at one point, I did try it on for a second…I did not like it.
It made me uncomfortable.
So I put it in the shadows and kept ignoring it.

However, as we understand, if we are meant to know, work through, or learn from something- chances are, it’s going to keep being put before us until we get our  sh@# together and figure it out.

Which is exactly what happened.
Eventually I got the hint.
I released what I previously assumed it meant to surrender.
I chose to look for different perspectives to see what I was missing about such a supposedly...

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Did you know I spend about an hour getting ready for our one on one sessions?
And I start tuning into your frequency the moment you book a session.
Even if our session is not for another few days, I am already starting to connect to your energy.

So, even though our session is only one hour, I also spend about an hour before hand prepping, clearing energy, setting the container, tuning in, tapping in, and starting to communicate with your guides your ancestors, or your passed loved ones- whoever chooses to come through for this powerful session together.

I pull cards, I ask to be shown what correspondence you can work with in support of your healing or your goals.
I call in your higher self from a space of connecting in with my higher self, and I ask to be shown everything you need to know right now that is for your highest good.

I pour white light into our session container, and infuse and encode the frequency of self-empowerment, healing, manifestation, and inspiration into...

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Self Love & Shadow Work

I absolutely adore that I pulled the Love & Nurture Your Body card today. Such perfect timing, as I was just going through the Self-Love, Body-Love section for the Intro to Shadow Work course. And as I was going through that section, I was thinking to myself, “This topic is a really big and important deal.”

Our intuition, our signals, our truths, our signs of alignment- those are felt within the body. If we are disconnected, ashamed of, and not really occupying our body, how many intuitive messages are we missing?

Not only that, but how many things do we put in our shadows when it comes to our body?
Shame, embarrassment, judgment, negative talk, hiding, being uncomfortable, disappointment, dissatisfaction…and this list could go on.

One of the most expansive things I was taught throughout my entire journey were the tools and support to love myself and my body again. It did not happen overnight, and it’s a relationship I nurture and grow each and every...

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When The Little Things Feel Like Big Things

"It's the little things."
I am sure you have heard the sentiment before. Possibly even experienced the meaning firsthand. 

As I continue on my manifestation up-level journey, deepening my relationship with gratitude has been a beautiful part of that. 

I am not just stating 'I am so grateful', and I am not just writing how grateful I am in my journal. I am embodying more gratitude. I feel it. (It feels amazing when that gratitude comes straight from the heart and soul!) 

It's no secret that I desire to experience big amazing things in this life, (and I hope you have soul aligned dreams too). I have been on the other side, experiencing anything and everything I did not want, but for the past few years I have been traveling a journey of flipping that script completely! 

Sometimes I can tend to over focus on those great big goals.
I am sure you have been there before too. 
When that happens, there is so much around me that I miss.
There are SO many "little"...

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Your Current Reality

Everything in your present life is a manifestation of the past. 

Sit with that for a moment. Really feel into that, and what that means for you. 

And when you are ready, read on… this is actually exciting news! 

What this means, is that we have more confirmation that our thoughts truly to do create our reality. 


Simple Solution if you want to change your reality: 
Change your thoughts, and your reality will automatically begin to change, without you having to figure it all out, or force or push anything. 

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.
Time was something I have felt short on for a really long time.
I always hated having the constraints of a 9-5 job. Asking for time off? Ugh! The WORST!  
And of course, I always found myself in the most corporate high stress types of jobs. And then I found myself excelling at them all, even though I was miserable.
So, I'd climb up the...

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Do any of you struggle with presence?

I know I certainly have.
I can't tell you how many days I've wished away hoping for better ones to come. Years worth of days.

However, this is something I've recently really been focused and working on. I had no clue what presence looked or felt like. I really had to immerse myself in some great content, and start trying these concepts on.

The embodiment of presence is a big layer. I know presence has a big piece of the pie when it comes to manifestation, and feeling happiness, and joy.

There is also a line to dance between dreaming and envisioning your desires, but also being able to pull the frequency of those desires into the present with you, and begin to enjoy them now.

I have been doing an in depth exploration of the ideology that the only time that truly exists is now.

There is nothing we can do in any other moment but now.

We can not go back and fix the past, (although we certainly can clear out the cords and emotional triggers from...

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Words are Spells. Thoughts are Spells.

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What spells have you been creating with your thoughts lately?
We say it all the time around here, "Words are spells." 

When we start thinking of and imagining all the things we desire, we begin to create a "spell".

However, if we then follow that up with thoughts of limitation, doubt, lack, or overanalyzing and controlling how it could ever possibly work, we basically cancel out the thought spell the was created for the desire.
The universe by nature will deliver more of what is stronger. More of what you think about, believe, and what energy you are embodying. 

Is your doubt and lack of faith stronger than your faith in your soul desires being a possibility and already being yours?

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If it wasn't a possibility, your soul wouldn't be desiring it.
If you are desiring something, it's because it IS a potential...and....it is already happening in a parallel time line.  (We will be digging into quantum physics later...
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You Decide

Do you feel unhappy with your external environment or experiences? Have you taken inventory of your thoughts lately?

I say it all the time- Your healing and alignment IS the magic you seek.

When you release old emotions, baggage, traumas, or beliefs that no longer serve you, there will be room for so much more.

You truly get to re-imagine and re-design your thoughts, your beliefs, your energy signature, your experiences, your finances, and anything else you want to change.

It all starts with our healing, and with finding alignment.

Did you know...you no longer have to be a victim of your circumstances? And that deep within you, you DO have the power to expand and grow in any area of life you want?

Once upon a time, I was a person who was unhappy about anything and everything. My job, my finances, my relationships, my body, my thoughts.
And I really actually believed it was all happening TO me.
I was that victim of circumstance.

Until one day, it got to be so bad, and I felt so low, I...
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"Embrace the In-between"

I was feeling very ceremonious before today's Women's Circle.

Before Circle I chose a specific candle to work with, or rather it chose me. It's not a scent I really like all that much, but was definitely calling my attention.
Then a specific oil called to me (my Sacred Circle Blend- which I ended up not really connecting with after I made it, until today.)
I also felt compelled to pull a card for the group. It was a nice compliment to some of the intentions we had already previously set for today's circle.
I thought this to be a really beautiful reminder that many of us could really use right now.

Let me know if this message resonates with you. 

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Balance comes easily to Flamingo Spirit, who sees what was and what will be and stands strong in the face of uncertainty. You can be informed by what came before and plan for a future yet to be, but do not resist Flamingo Spirit’s call to be fully present in the now, where the real magic...

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