Understanding Wealth Consciousness: A Pathway to Sustainable Abundance

 “You do not need to know how to convert wealth consciousness into paper money; as you will see, it will happen automatically. All you need to do is expand your wealth consciousness and exercise it, act on it, be it, and the situations and opportunities for the equivalent conversion into cash will present themselves automatically to you."

~ A Happy Pocket Full of Money, by David Cameron Gikandi. 

This means that expanding your wealth consciousness and acting on it naturally leads to opportunities and situations that convert this consciousness into tangible wealth.


When it comes to manifesting wealth, many people focus on the external actions—strategies, investments, or business moves.

However, the true foundation of lasting abundance lies in something deeper and often overlooked: wealth consciousness.

As a manifestation coach, I believe it’s crucial to start with mindset work when aiming to manifest anything significant. In this blog, we’ll...

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Becoming The Ancestral Alchemist - The Manifestation Tool No One Talks About

Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of repeating patterns that seem impossible to break? Especially when it comes to money, jobs, finances, worthiness.  

These very patterns could be exactly what is impacting your levels of abundance and abilities to manifest things into your life. 

If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work, it might be time to explore Akashic and Ancestral healing work. These patterns, often passed down through generations, can have a profound impact on our lives and manifest in ways we don't even realize.


I was skeptical at first, too.
I didn’t think such an unconventional approach could make a difference to what seemed like my never-ending struggles.

But after experiencing my own massive transformations, I am a firm believer in the power of Ancestral and Akashic Healing. Traditional methods just weren't doing the trick for me, leading me to explore the spiritual route with a hesitant, "I don’t know about this,...

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Unlocking the Akashic Records: Manifestation and Living Your Dream Life


The notion that we need to heal our past lives to feel whole in this life might seem absurd at first glance. I understand the skepticism; I, too, had my doubts.

However, after witnessing profound shifts in my own life and the lives of many clients and associates, I’ve come to embrace the transformative power of working with the Akashic Records.

This journey into the Akashic Records can sound mystical, even fantastical. At times, I hesitate to speak about it openly, reserving these discussions for private sessions with those who are ready to explore the depths of their soul’s journey.

But as a spirit-led individual, when spirit leads, I listen. 
I've had the nudge to talk more about healing with the Akashic Records, and then came a series of synchronicities that I just couldn't overlook. 

So here we are. 
Let's talk about it! 


One of the most common questions (and fears) I hear when people are learning about the Akashic Records is: ...

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Harnessing the Power of Patchouli: A Guide to Manifestation, Transformation, and Healing

Do you ever work with plant spirits in your manifestation and healing work?

Patchouli is just calling me home right now!!!
I am obsessed with the celestial oil blend I made for our Planetary Alchemy Series inside the Academy.


If you find  yourself seeking to tap into the potent energies of nature to facilitate manifestation, transformation, and healing in your life, look no further than patchouli, a revered plant spirit known for its profound abilities to catalyze change and growth on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels.

Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) has long been revered in various cultures for its rich, earthy aroma and its multifaceted healing properties.


Here's how you can work with patchouli as a plant spirit to manifest your desires, facilitate transformation, and promote healing:



Patchouli is a powerful ally for manifestation work, helping to bring your intentions into fruition.

Its earthy scent is deeply grounding, anchoring your...

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Superpowers & Self-Awareness














To immerse yourself in a lifestyle of manifestation and magic, join us inside the M&M Membership for just $7! https://www.waywardwitchco.com/offers/y3tyJZon

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Remember Why You Started & The Power Of Persistence

"Remember Why You Started."  

These words ran through my mind today. 
Then I happened to scroll past a social media graphic I had used previously with those same words written on it. 

I know this is something I needed to hear...but because of the way it keeps coming across my attention, I know it's not just a message for me. 

I can tell when spirit has a message for a group. 

So, let's talk about it. 

Life has a way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it. I've learned that many times over in the past two years. 
It's easy to feel discouraged when things don't go according to plan, when setbacks pile up, and when the road ahead seems daunting. Trust me, I know. 

But it is in those moments of doubt and uncertainty, it's crucial to remember why you started on your journey in the first place.


Finding Your Why

Ask yourself: What is driving you to pursue your goals?

What inspired you to embark on this path?

What did you want to...

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Manifesting Your Dream Partner: Practical Steps to Finding Love

I don't know what compelled me to write about this topic today, but knowing spirit, there is a reason. There is someone out there who might need this kind of support today. 

This blog is for you if you are tired of the same old patterns repeating in your relationships.
If find yourself attracting partners who are not aligned with your values or who bring more pain than joy into your life.
And if you do feel that way, you're not alone.

Many of us have experienced the frustration and heartache of toxic relationships and failed connections.

I've had my fair share of failed relationships. I've been left 19 and pregnant and scared out of my mind. I've been stalked and I've endured violence and betrayal. I've been emotionally beaten down so much that I was a shell of my former self and lost every single ounce of confidence I ever had. I've been so utterly heartbroken that I cried every single day for an entire year. Literally. 

And the beautiful thing- I can share all of...

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Breaking Through Stagnation

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut, feeling like life is stagnant and hopeless?

Trust me, we've all been there.

But here's the thing: change is always within reach, no matter how hopeless things may seem.

It all starts with a shift in mindset.

The steps I listed below WILL get you to your manifestation when implemented consistently. 

You will see the manifestation magic start to happen. Don't give up and stick with it, no matter how long it takes. 


Awareness is Key

The first step in invoking change in your life is to become aware of your mindset.

Is it aligned with the things you're trying to manifest?

Are your decisions and actions supporting your goals?

Take a moment to reflect on these questions and be honest with yourself.

If the answer is no, it's time to do some mindset work.

The Power of Reality Writing

One of the most effective tools for shifting your mindset is reality writing.

Grab your manifestation journal and start writing your reality exactly...

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Unleashing the Power of Intention: A Blueprint to Manifest Your Dream Life

Welcome, warriors of life!

Today, we embark on a journey to unlock the secret vault of manifestation—the power of intention. In a world filled with chaos, negativity, and doubt, it's easy to lose sight of our dreams.

But I'm here to tell you that you hold the key to your destiny, and it all starts with the power of your intention.


Define Your Vision

Picture this: a life where your deepest desires are not just dreams, but tangible realities.

The first step in manifesting your dream life is to define your vision with crystal clarity.



  1. What does your ideal day look like from start to finish? Describe it in vivid detail, including your surroundings, activities, and interactions.

  2. If you could achieve anything in the next year, what would it be? What goals or milestones would you like to accomplish in various areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth?

  3. Imagine yourself...

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Embracing Life's Journey: Walking Between Worlds

Embarking on a spiritual journey is akin to navigating uncharted territories within oneself.

At first, the allure of beautiful energies and profound wisdom can be intoxicating, leading one to transcend the mundane constraints of everyday life.

Yet, as we soar through the ethereal realms, we inevitably return to the harsh realities awaiting us on Earth.

The bills, the relationships, the arguing children, the career frustrations—they remain steadfast, refusing to yield to our spiritual revelations.


The Contracts of Spiritual Awakening and Earthly Realities

In the midst of spiritual enlightenment, it's easy to become disillusioned with the challenges of earthly existence.

The temptation to retreat into the comfort of the spiritual realm and shun the complexities of life is ever-present.

However, true growth lies in embracing both realms, acknowledging that spiritual enlightenment serves as a guiding light amid life's uncertainties.

But don't get me wrong...sometimes it...

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